Nominate your favorite article – help celebrate the JMLA’s 100th birthday!
2012 marks the 100th year of publication for the BMLA/JMLA. To mark this major milestone, we will be publishing a special supplementary issue in October 2012, featuring reprints of the important articles we have published.
We invite all MLA members and JMLA readers to submit nominations of important, seminal, articles to appear in this special supplement. The definition of important is up to you; the paper could be highly cited, but it could also be an article that, while not frequently cited in the literature, was very influential at the time, captured an important trend in medical and health sciences librarianship, or marked the start of a change in health sciences libraries. Nominations of both recent and historical articles are welcome.
To submit your suggestions, click on the "Contribute" link at the top of this page and paste in the url for a JMLA / BMLA article (as found on PMC). Feel free to tell us why you made this pick. Or you can send Scott an email using the link on the right.
Send as many suggestions as you wish. We can't wait to hear from you.
Susan Starr, editor, Journal of the Medical Library Association
T. Scott Plutchak, guest editor, JMLA 100th Special Supplement