Organizational Transparency
Sinking To A New Low

Getting Ready For The Spring Tour

Now that we're inching our way towards Memphis, the Brown Beverage Sessions, and the Chapel Hill and Philadelphia gigs beyond, I think I might try spending a little bit more time over on the Bearded Pigs blog and see if I can kick that thing into life.

After Merline died, Someone_is_in_big_trouble I spent some mourning time cleaning up the basement and re-doing my practice space.  I've got things set up now so that I can easily zip down for thirty or sixty minutes at a time.  I'm trying to put in at least a few every day.  There are so many new songs to learn!Josie_is_two_002

If you're going to be around Chapel Hill on May 8th, or Philadelphia on May 2o, by all means, stop by!  We are the world's first open-access international librarian rock band and we'd be thrilled to death if you showed up.

In Chapel  Hill, we're playing the banquet for the Evidence-Based Librarianship Conference and you do have to be a conference attendee for that one -- but it looks like it'll be a great conference, so you may as well come on over.

We're in Philadelphia for the MLA annual meeting on the 20th, but you don't need to be attending the meeting to join us for that.  We'll be at the downtown Marriott, we'll have a cash bar, and we'll run from about 8:00 to around 11:00.  Keep an eye on the website for the exact location.

Funding open access is tough, of course, and we're grateful to the members of the Thicket Society for making our MLA gigs possible.    You don't need to be an MLA member... or a librarian, for that matter... to join the Thicket Society.  For $40 you get a cool limited edition t-shirt, a souvenir button, and your name in the program.  Once our expenses are covered, everything else goes to the MLA scholarship fund -- last year we were able to send 'em $750. 

Think of it as an informal and unofficial professional development networking event -- with rock band.


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